Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lesson 4


         4.a Alphabet
         4.b Verbs
         4.c Nouns & Adjectives
         4.d Sentences

4.a: Alphabet

There we go with two more consonants:
  • ז - z, as in 'zero'
  • ח - kh, as in 'khaki', and even more as ‘x’ in ‘xavier’ or ‘j’ in ‘mojito’ or ‘jose’. It’s important to distinguish the h sound of ח from the h sound of ה: the former is fricative, created by tongue touching palatal area, while the latter is deeper, coming up the throat and pharynx. to the alternation of the two, and click here to see a demonstration. We'll denote this sound in transliteration by 'kh', not to get confused with 'h'.

Now let's read and then listen:


And now listen and try to write down in hebrew (and check the right answer):


And the politics game:
Read, and match first and last names, from the list (‘name’ in hebrew is שֵםshem, and ‘family’ is מִשפַחַהmishpakha, which makes ‘family name’ – שֵם מִשפַחַהshem mishpakha):
שֵם: קוֹנדוֹלִיזַה, אַברַהַם, גוֹרדוֹן, סִילבִיוֹ, נִיקוֹלַא, דַלַאי
שֵם מִשפַחַה: ברַאוּן, לַאמַה, סַרקוֹזִי, רַייס, בֵרלוּסקוֹנִי, לִינקוֹלן

4.b Verbs

Let's have 4 more verbs:

  • the root חשב ( means 'think'
  • the root שאל (sh.!.l.) means 'ask' (א – called ‘aleph’ – is not pronounced)
  • the root חלם (kh.l.m.) means 'dream'
  • the root סגר (s.g.r) means 'close'

Keeping with the grammar, we learn more past forms, demonstrating it on the root סגר. Note the pattern:

  • אַתַה סַגַרתַata sagarta – you closed (sing.masc.)
  • אַת סַגַרתat sagart – you closed (sing.fem.)
  • אַתֵם סַגַרתֵםatem sagartem – you closed (plural masc.)
  • אַתֵן סַגַרתֵןaten sagarten – you closed (plural fem.)
Very simple – the ending of the verb is exactly the one of the pronoun! The one exception: in masculine ‘you’ form, there is no 'ה' letter at the end, although the pronunciation is the same.

To get used, read aloud, translate and then listen:

אַתַה חַשַבתַ הַרבֵה
אַת חַלַמת אֵתמוֹל
אַתֵם שַאַלתֵם
אַתֵן סַגַרתֵן בַית

Great, now let's add two more verbs to practice with:

  • the root פתח ( means 'open'
  • the root ברח ( means 'run away,escape'

Practice time! Write in hebrew and check your pronunciation:

Dan ran away from school. show
Dana, why you opened home? show
Boys, what you asked? show
Girls, what you wore yesterday? show
Boys, who opened the red book? I opened. Why you opened the book? show
Adam, you picked up the sweet fish (sing.)? show

4.c Nouns & Adjectives

Let's learn 3 adjectives (again - note the common pattern of XaXoX):

שַחוֹר shakhor black
רַחוֹק rakhok far,distant
קַרוֹב karov close,near

Now, how to say “bigger boy”? You say, literally, “boy more big” (or “boy less big”).

יוֹתֵר yoter more
פַחוֹת pakhot less

To say ‘than’ – you use מֵ (me, from):
דַן יוֹתֵר גַדוֹל מֵאַדַםdan yoter gadol meadam – Dan (is) more big (than) from Adam

Great, now to some nouns:

  • חַבֵר - (m.) - khaver - (male) friend. The female version – חַבֵרַהkhavera. Depending on context that could also mean boyfriend/girlfriend.
  • חַתוּל - (m.) - khatul - (male) cat. Note there’s a noun for female cat as well – חַתוּלַהkhatula.
  • יוֹם - (m.) - yom - day. That gives rise to הַיוֹם hayom , literally – the day, this day, meaning ‘today’.
  • חוֹדֵש - (m.) - khodesh - month. Similarly, הַחוֹדֵשhahodesh means ‘this month’.
  • חֵדֵר - (m.) - kheder - room.

Exercise – write in hebrew, pronounce and compare to the recorded version:

Close (male) friend. show
Black (male) cats. show
Boy is bigger than cat. show
Dana (is) (a) friend/girlfriend of Adam. show
This month I learned a lot. show
School (is) far from the home. show
Kindergarten (is) close to super(market). show
The black cat ran away from the house. show

4.d Sentences

Another wh-question:
לֵאַןlean - where to? (indicating direction, not location)

To indicate a certain object, one uses:

  • זֵהze – this (masculine)
  • זאתzot – this (feminine). We’ll explain later why there’s no ‘וֹ’, as you could expect for the ‘o’ sound.
There are two ways to use it:
  • To specify an object: ‘this’ comes after the noun! For instance:

    סֵפֵר זֵה
    sefer ze – this book

    יֵלדַה זאתyelda zot – this girl

    It means almost the same as הַסֵפֵר (hasefer) – just like in english, there isn’t much difference between ‘this book’ and ‘the book’
  • To present an object: ‘this’ comes before noun, for instance:

    זֵה חֵדֵר שֵל אַדַםze kheder shel adam – this (is) (a) room of Adam
    זאת מַנַה מַתוֹקַהzot mana matoka – this (is) (a) sweet dish (dessert)
    מִי זֵה?mi ze – who (is) this?

And the last word for today: אַבַלaval – but. For example:
דַן אוֹהֵב דַנַה, אַבַל דַנַה לא אוֹהֵבֵת דַן. הִיא חַבֵרַה שֵל אַדַם
- dan ohev dana, aval dana lo ohevet dan. hi khavera shel adam. (Dan loves Dana, but Dana (does) not love Dan. She (is) girlfriend of Adam.)

And final exercise of the lesson – write the sentences in hebrew:

This (male) cat is very black. show
Today (are) many waves in sea. show
This garden is further than this garden. show
This is Milki, the (female) cat of Adam. show
Son, why (are) you run(ning) away from the country? show
In this house (are) not many rooms. show
This stage is less green than this stage. show
Yesterday you (masc.) opened the house, but today he closed this house. show
You (masc.) thought that he loved Dana, but he cheated. show
Why (are) the waves today bigger than yesterday? show
They (mixed) said to Dina: “Shabat Shalom” (“peaceful Saturday”, common greeting for weekend) show
She checked that in this month she learned a lot. show
He dreams that Dana loves boyfriend of Dina. show

Back to Learn Hebrew Free and Easily main page.


  1. my only difficulty with this lesson was with the audio on the listening part.

  2. Milki is a great shem hatula :-D

  3. Why ח is pronunced like כ?

    1. It's just one of those facts of life that in modern Hebrew the two are virtually identical.

      However, it's worth noting that in some pronunciations(especially Mizrahim) the two are pronounced differently. In those cases, ח is often pronounced as a deeper, voiceless pharyngeal fricative instead of the voiceless uvular fricative(which is what both letters are usually pronounced as).

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. there are some problems. in the begining there are exercises that use letters not studied yet, how come? and the listening too...

  6. Thank you very much for these lessons!

  7. Ohh...another lesson has passed..I feel more complete with the language....Good job. Thank you.

  8. Dude, every verb has its own form.... And it's hard for beginners. Please write all of these forms in both tenses(present and past tenses)because it's just tougher that I thought :X

    1. You can look at all of them in the verb table, in all their forms!

  9. This course is incredible. A big thank you to the author!!!

  10. Very informative post! This language is new for me but i am eager to learn this language. I think everyone should know foreign languages because when we know many languages, we will communicate better and our career will be safe. Thanks and keep it up
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  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thank you so much to the author of this blog, you've done a great job, and i can't wait to really get started in learning.... this makes it very easy... :)

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